Friday, December 20, 2013

A bonne Spa Milk Salt Review

I never been so conscious with my skin before until I touched my classmates hands and it feels so smooth, just like baby's skin. I feel so insecure back then because I admit that my skin is really rough and dry. So when I came back home from school, I immediately asked Google on how to have smooth skin and everyone's answer is a regular exfoliation. I also found out that exfoliation has a huge contribution in achieving young-looking skin so this must be a part of our regular beauty regimen. Right after then, I am in a search for body scrub and I came up with this A bonne Spa Milk Salt.

I've been using this product for months now and I guess this is the right time to make a review and put an end to those arguments whether this product is effective or not. But before I put this review into start, I want to make things clear that all informations stated below is based on my own experiences. So this might vary into each individual because we all have are own preferences and likings.

A BONNÉ Spa Milk Salt 
Made in Thailand

The product claims that it is a skin whitening and slimming product with Milk Formula and natural spa salt benefits. It provides nourishment to your skin with Pure Milk, Dermawhite and Allantoin. It removes dirt deposit and dead skin cells from your body, giving you a new and radiant skin.

Is it really effective just like what it claims? Let's see =)

This one is really affordable. It only costs 65php for a net content of 350g (around 1.46$) 

Let us admit that sometimes, we rely on the packaging of the product before we purchase it. That just happens to me when I saw this salt scrub. The packaging is so cute and looks very interesting! It came up with different bottles but it is also available in sachet. I recommend you to buy the sachet one because it is cheaper.

The smell is one of the reason why I fell in love with this product. It smells like milk, the one that I am drinking back when I was a kid. However, the smell doesn't stay long on your skin.

This scrub is kind of sharp. It irritated my skin at first application, so instead of rubbing it, I just let the grains to melt on my skin. But as time passed by, you will get over with it. Just avoid putting some of this product on cuts or wounds or it will stings and the pain is intolerable. 

I am exfoliating my skin thrice a week and the whole sachet lasted for a month.

Even this product is from Thailand, it is scattered here all over the Philippines. It is available in any Watson store, Department Store and even in local supermarkets.

I like this body scrub really much, it is really great in exfoliating your skin. You can feel your skin's softness and smoothness after shower. However I didn't notice any whitening and slimming effect. The introduction of the product behind is so exaggerated. I don't even know where they got that slimming idea. However, I still don't think that it is a bad thing since no other scrubs can perform whitening effects on your skin either.. oh well! Plus it is cheap people!! 


Very affordable
Available even in local stores
It has a milky scent
You can feel the instant smoothness and softness of your skin after shower


 Stings in wounds or cuts
 The scrub is kind of sharp and hurts skin in first application
 Doesn't whitens skin
 No slimming effect

I recommend this product to people who are after for a good exfoliation. But if you're looking for a product that will whitens your skin, this product is not for you.

I rate this product 4/5 ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ulzzang Make Up Tutorial Series: Natural Ulzzang Eye Make Up

Hello everyone!~ As I've said earlier on my last post, I am now working with my next make up tutorial which is the Natural Ulzzang Eye Make Up. This eye make up is suitable for all girls that is on a rush since this only took me less than 5 minutes to make. And also, if you don't want to have exaggerated eye make up like some ulzzang do, this is for you!~

1. Put a matte dark brown eyeshadow on your crease. This will add dimension to your eye and make an illusion of deeper crease. As you can see, I kind of overdid this part on the first picture, but don't worry, just blend it with your finger or with a blending brush. See? You should end up like the second picture.

2. To give your lids an emphasis put white eyeshadow on it.. It will brighten up your eyes and will help in awakening sleepy eyes. Remember to use matte eyeshadows. As possible, let's avoid using those shimmery ones because we are aiming for a natural look, more like no make makeup look.

3. Draw a thin line very close to your upper lash line to make an illusion of thicker lashes and lively eyes. Extend the line upward. Not so upward, we don't want to end up with a cat eye. This extended line will make your eyes longer and bigger.


To avoid ending up with cat eyes, extend the line with a curve instead of extending it with a very straight line.
It is better to use a pencil eyeliner because it creates more subtle lines than any other eyeliners.

4. Starting from your lower lash line, draw thin line and connect it on the line that you drew just awhile ago. This will create a V line! Laaahh! This is so hard to explain. Just look at the picture ^^ The image tells it all!~

5. Create some aegyo sal! Just squint your eyes and put a white eye shadow on the puff area.

6. Finally, to finish off this sweet eye make up, curl your lashes and put mascara for dramatic lashes!! <3


As you can see, nothing really changed that much. We only want it to look natural. Do you notice how lively and awake your eye is on the second picture compared to the first? =) I am wearing this look except the eyeliner whenever I am going out because I am really a fan of natural look. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Rants + Mini Haul

I never feel so overwhelm like this before! I feel so happy to the trust that my mom have given me this past few days. Few years back, while my friends are going out and hanging out together, I am inside my room, reading books, surfing the net and watching television.This doesn't mean that I prefer being alone rather than going out with my friends. It is because I have no other choice. My mom is not allowing me to go out all alone with my friends. She's is so protective and strict and her timeless excuse is because I'm still young to go out all by myself. That is why I feel so grateful in this week because she allowed me to go out shopping with my friends yesterday, to do some aerobics with my classmates today and to go on a resort with the whole class next Friday! Yes, most thinks that it's just a small thing to feel glad about, but I really do appreciate those small things! I promise to my own self to try my best not to break that trust. It really means a lot to me.

So in this post, I will just do some rants which can be rarely seen in my blog. As you can see, this bubbly blog of mine are loads of tutorials, reviews, and outfit posts which makes me feel like I am a robot. Why? Because it makes me speak a bit more formal than I usually do, more like scripted. Unlike in this unplanned post, I'll just write whatever comes in my mind. I also think that this is a great way for my readers to know more about me =)

Yesterday, our school had a field trip to Star City. I have no hard feelings for not being part of it. Actually, that day was such a great moment for me and my friends. There are only few students in school because of the said event so the whole class is irregular. So we decided to go window shopping at Robinson. Do not get us wrong, we are not ditching our class and we have no plan to do such thing! We asked our parent's permission first! =) As I said earlier, we only planned to do some window shopping but we ended up buying some things. It is really hard to go to the mall and return home empty handed. XDDD

These are the items that I bought yesterday.
1. Sheer Attraction Intimate Secret- I got this from Japan Home Centre. I really love the sweet fragrance of it, really suits my personality and yaaay! It is in my favorite color <3

2. Mustard Oxford Shoes- I am really obsess in flat shoes nowadays. I mean, who wouldn't? They are so comfortable to wear. Simple yet fashionable.

3. Loreal Cleansing Wipes- I also got this from Japan Home Centre. I am suffering to lots of pimples in my forehead....again! T^T I am so lazy to wash my face before going to bed and even if I did, it feels like wash isn't enough! So I bought this cleansing wipes, it is a make up remover. So whenever I feel lazy to wash my face, I can just grab this and wipe it on my face. I am planning to make a review about this product soon!~

4. Compact Powder- I bought this in a random local store. I will bring this along to school. Good thing about this, it looks like you're not wearing any foundation. It doesn't ended up being cakey.

Let's move on to the next page =) Earlier, me together with my friends again went to the gym and do some aerobics. I have no idea that it will be so much fun! I am not a sporty person so I got tired easily, but I swear, it feels so refreshing!~ It even pushed me to made a resolution to do some exercise daily so I can be fit and of course, to lose some fats lol.

So I don't know how to end up this post. hahaha. uhmmm. bye? Until my next post!~ Please wait for the next series of Ulzzang Series which will be Sweet Ulzzang Eye Make Up =) Thanks <3

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ulzzang Make Up Tutorial Series: Gradient Lips

You probably seen this trend around since it is really popular in Asia especially in Korea nowadays. I've been using this style for quite a while now and I love how this style creates a young and innocent look.Oh come on!  Who don't want to be young?  So please continue reading if you want to know how I am creating this gradient lips on myself.

I've been doing this gradient lips for months now and I already tried lots of techniques to achieve this. So the one that I' will be showing you is the easiest technique I have come so far. If you want to have a better result make sure that your lips are smooth and not dry so exfoliate is a must which I forgot to do. Naah, sorry for not following my own advise. >__<

STEP 1: Apply a nude color on your lips. You can use concealer, foundation, nude lipstick anything that will gives nude color. In my case, I used my BB Cream.

STEP 2: Put some color on the inner side of your lower lips. Red or pink works best but you can choose any color of your choice. Blend everything with your fingertips or cotton buds while the tint is not yet dry.

STEP 3: Apply some gloss. It will make your gradient lips more natural and smooth.

It depends on you on how much color you will put on your lips. If you want a more noticeable gradient lips you can apply the color twice or thrice, but if you're looking for natural look, small amount is enough. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

Ulzzang Make Up Tutorial Series: Natural Looking Aegyo Sal

What is AEGYO SAL?

First thing and foremost, eye bags and aegyo sal are way too different. Eye bags are usually darker than your natural skin tone and their sagging look makes you look tired and older than your actual age. However, aegyo sal or tear bags are the opposite of it as they are commonly found in children so they actually supposed to make you look younger.

Yeah, it is just a small part of your face but you know what? There is a huge difference on having an aegyo sal. It makes you look more innocent and youthful. It also makes your eyes appear brighter and bigger! So this photo that I found somewhere in the internet will show you how these six Korean actresses look if they have no aegyo sal at all. Look how big the difference is!!

How to know if you have aegyo sal?

It is very easy to identify if you have aegyo sal. Just grab a mirror and SMILE. If there’s a little pouch or this layer of skin gathered below your eyelids, LUCKY YOU COZ' YOU HAVE AN AEGYO SAL. However, if you don't have it, you can still achieve it through the use of make up which I will show you how, so please keep scrolling!

Maybe, the technique of putting darker eye shadow under you aegyo sal is the most known steps on how to create aegyo sal but I do not recommend it to you guys if unnatural look is not in your liking. Okay, it  looks good when you're smiling but it looks VERY WEIRD when you're not. It also makes your eyes become dull. Again, I don't recommend it!

Unlike other tutorials that are using lots of shimmery thingy and dark eye shadows, we will only use FOUNDATION or POWDER. This technique is the EASIEST WAY to create a VERY NATURAL LOOKING aegyo sal. Just make sure that the foundation that you will use is lighter than your skin tone. 

One factor why an aegyo sal is commonly mistaken as eye bags because of your eye bags underneath it! So the first thing we have to do to enhance our aegyo sal is conceal your eye bags

So lots of people use  their fingertips in drawing the aegyo sal but since we are all beginners here, it is better if we will use a q-tip so we can control the amount of foundation we will put on our aegyo sal. Plus, it will not be messy! I think I should stop blabbering now, so here are the steps

1. Squint your eyes so your natural aegyo sal will appear. Highlight it all by putting foundation (I repeat, lighter than your skin tone). Do not be afraid to exaggerate it. We can fix it later.

2. If you think it is a bit weird because the foundation is too thick that it tends to give you a creepy look, with the use of your fingertips blend it with your skin.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ulzzang Make Up Tutorial Series: Korean Straight Brows (No shaving and grooming)

I am sure that you are already familiar with Korean Straight Brows (in the first place, why would you end up in this tutorial if you don't have any idea about it. ^^) wherein the brows are intentionally thick and straight. I've been wanting this brows for so long because it tends to make you look young and innocent. This trend starts from Korea, so you will notice that a lot of actresses in that country have this kind of brows.

There are lots of tutorials all over the net that will help us to achieve this look. However I didn't tried any of them because it all requires an extreme shaving of eyebrows, which my mom will not allows me to do. I am quite afraid also, because there are some cases that after shaving your brows, the hair may not grow again like the way it is supposed to be. So I made my own version of creating this straight brows which do not requires shaving and grooming. This is for those people who are also afraid to shave off their eyebrows but want to achieve this straight brows.

Let's Begin!

Try your best to make the lines soft as possible. Well then, I'm sorry for making the strokes a bit dark. I did it on purpose so it be easier for everyone to visualize what exactly I'm doing. ^^~

PS: Sorry for my sleepy eyes!~