Year 2013 went too fast and I want to share some discoveries I’ve got within the half of this year. This has been in my draft for ages because I am really hesitate if I have the right to post about natural remedies about skin because I admit to myself that I don’t have the best skin ever. But I still ended up posting it for every girls (or boys??) who have skin problems and do not want to have pimples or acne in their face without spending too much money from their pocket. There are lots of healthy foods that are not just for eating. They can also be use as remedies for your face.
I used to do some natural remedies in my skin before, but I got lazy doing it every day, especially this school days. So I tried using BB Cream to achieve radiant and clear skin. Though it’s not a strong make up, we can’t change the fact that it is a make-up and make-up do damages skin. My face became rough and I’ve got pimples in my forehead and chin. So I got to go back to these remedies!
I can’t promise that all of these steps will be 100% effective since the effect may vary depending in every individual’s skin type. But I assure that it will never damage your skin because it is all natural. That’s one advantage of natural remedies. It might not be effective enough like those cosmetic brands but it will not damage your skin. I tried lots of natural remedies that I got in the internet, but only few works best and I will share it to all of you right now!
So.. get ready for a very long post!! I think this is the longest entry in my blog. A new record eh?? and the most knowledgeable post so far!
Egg White
An egg white face mask is the best remedy for oily faces because it gives a temporary tightening in a loose facial skin. It is just temporary which means, you need to apply it regularly. I’m just patient enough to do this because I do hate waking up in the morning with lots of oil on my face. I also hate the fact that I always have to put a powder every hour because my face is always oily.
The egg protein contracts when drying out. This mask will give an extra glow and will cleanse your skin because it draw-out the dust and other harsh elements from the pores. Don’t worry it is not stinky… not at all.. Hahahaha
So this is how I made it..
1. Separate the yolk and the egg white. You can put the egg white in a container because an egg white can be use for days. Just put it in the refrigerator so it will not smell bad.

2. Get a cotton ball. I saw others who straightly use their hands to spread the egg white on their face, which I don’t want to do, so I am using cotton balls instead. But if you want to use your bare hands make sure that it is clean. Dip the cotton ball and start rubbing it on your face.
You will merely identify if your mask is already dry enough when you can’t smile. Hahahaha yeah! After that wash it thoroughly.
Banana Peel
Mostly we just throw banana peels right after eating some bananas. But I bet after knowing this trick, you will just start collecting banana peels as possible as you can. Hahahaha. This can be use to remove spots, blemishes and red skin with scaly patches of psoriasis. These are the steps that you have to follow.
1. Eat the banana (Hahahah. If you’re hungry, why not?)
2. Rub the inside portion of the peel on the defected area in a circular motion until the peel’s color become brown.
3. Wait for about 15 minutes and wash it with luke warm water. Please don’t use soap because it may reduce the effectiveness of your remedy.
4. Repeat at least three times a day.
I hope these following pictures will motivate you to try this natural method already, visit this link =D
I still remember those time when I am so active in Facebook and I keep posting lots of selfies and then my friends will point out that my eye bags are so visible and betting that I always sleep late at night which is actually true. Hehehehe. I searched many ways how to prevent them and the number one solution is to get enough sleep. It is really hard for me to do that especially this school days because assignments are really overload.
Just a few information for you to know more about eye bags. The skin we have under are eyes are thinnest skin we have, so it’s the area that’s most influenced by the in-and-out flow of fluids.
Eye bags are usually caused by water retention due to high salt concentration in that area. Maybe because of the food you are eating that contains lots of salt and because of crying. More causes are rubbing your eyes to often, lack of sleep, lack of nutrients, sleeping position.
We all know that cucumber have the power to reduce the puffiness of the eye bags because it contains high amounts of ascorbic acid that is really great in minimizing the problem of puffy eyes. However, potato can also be use as a remedy to lighten up the dark circlesbecause it contains catecholase that works like a skin lightener.
I used that potato remedy before the first day of school and it is really effective. I find it more effective than cucumber. This is how I made it.
1. Slice the potato.
2. Rub it around your eyes.Just make sure that it is cold, It is way more effective if it is cold. Why? Because cold temperatures are really good for your eyes. They help reduce and sooth puffy and tired eyes.
3. Rest with a potato above your eyes. Rest with it until it becomes dry. Potato will become dark after you use it.
1. Stop rubbing your eyes. Rubbing it may irritate your eyes because of the dirt you have in your hands.
2. Drink lots of water.Always stay hydrated
3. Change your sleeping position. People who are side sleepers or who sleeps with a high pillow are the one who are prone to have noticeable under eye bags. These positions will allow the fluids to collect under your eyes during the night. If you’re a side sleeper, you may notice that the eye on the side they sleep on, has a larger bag than the eye on the other side.
I want to show you what the right sleeping position is, but it is really hard because I have no one to take pictures of me while sleeping. So I called my buddy, Shiela if she can act asleep so I can take her some pictures. Hehehe.

First Picture: The pillow is too high.
Second Picture: Side Sleeping
If you really want to prevent under eye bags, sleep with your head elevated same as the level of your neck and back to allow better circulation and prevent fluid from collecting around your eyes. Changing your sleep position is not that easy so don’t push yourself! Little by little..

It is important to make a schedule on how often you will do these remedies because it will not work if it’s not in a continuous basis. If you really want to have clear skin in a cheap way, be patient enough. You can’t have a flawless face with just a click.
For some clarifications, before I work on with this post, I made lots of research to make sure that what I’m writing here are true. Just to convince myself more to talk about this thing on my blog, I tried all of these to myself and to my surprise, yes they are effective. So here are some credits to the sites where I got all of the information I need to complete this post.