What is a lip balm?
Lip balm or lip salve is a wax-like substance applied topically to the lips of the mouth to relieve chapped or dry lips. I have noticeable dry lips and as a substitute of buying an expensive lip balm, I tried an alternative way to make my own. Super effortless to make and surely effectual since we used petroleum jelly as our material. We all know that petroleum jelly works best for dry skin. Lips are also skin so they deserve proper treatment too. I made this DIY about 4 months ago and I’m not letting a day to pass without putting some on my lips. It became better.
During our battle of the band that was just a few months back, held in SM Baliwag, I saw a zenzest fruity lip balm. I am hesitate to buy it at first seeing I already have one. But I still ended up buying it because I want to do some comparison between the two. Which will be better? Which will be more effective? Which is which?
Overall, I prefer my own lip balm, not because I made it, but because it really moisten my lips, unlike the other one. I advocate you to try making your own balm for you to get exactly what kind of lip balm you really wants. The color, consistency and the texture is under your control. It's up to you! For all those who want to learn how to make your own lip balm, keep scrolling!

1. Put a small amount of lipstick and petroleum jelly in a ladle/spoon. It will be better if you will use just an old lipstick thus we just need a small amount of it just to add color for our balm. But if you don’t want any color and just natural, don’t do this diy and use petroleum jelly itself. Place the ladle over the fire, wait until it melts.