Hello Everyone! Boo for the hiatus, but yay for a new DIY =D How’s the first week of your school? Hope you’e not having a hard time same as mine. I’m just really depressed since the first day of school, so I rather be quiet at my room, listening to music than being in front of the computer. Though I want to share the recent happenings in my life, I’m so sorry, but I cant. I don’t want this bubbly blog of mine to be filled with lots of hatred. Hahahaha.
One of our problems when we are collecting accessories is how to organize them all. It is really hard to find the accessories that we want to get, especially the earrings because we still need to find its pair. Oh girls, we all know how much time consuming that is. It’s like looking for a pair of socks in the middle of a very messy closet. Hahahaha. I really get irritated easily when I put too much time just to get the accessories that I want to wear, so I decided to make my own Jewelry Organizer wherein I can easily see and get my desired jewelry.
My photography skills suck. Sorry. I’m really trying my best to present a good quality of pictures for all of you, but they are all fail. Hahahaha. Forgive me!! Anyhow, this DIY really gives a good vibes to your room. The colorful accessories of yours give an extra charm to it!

Materials Needed:
♥ Styropor
♥ Push Pins
♥ Paint (optional)

Let’s get started!!
1. Paint the Styropor with your desired color. The first step is optional. I think white color is so boring so I decided to paint it color black using a textile paint. Actually, you can use any kind of paint with a color of your choice, but color black will make the color of your jewelries to stand out. Make sure that you will clean the mess after painting your styropor if you don’t want your mother to nag about it.

2. Place it on the wall. Please don’t use rugby or glue stick because it will melt. I once used it and it ruin the whole project so I need to do it all over again!! I used double-sided tape and it really works fine! Just make sure that you put a lot of it to make sure that it would not fall off.

3. Put the Push Pins. It’s up to you if you will follow a certain pattern in putting your push pins. We will hang up our necklaces and bracelets there. For the earrings, you can just stitch it on your styropor directly.

Just realized how bad the qualities of my shots are. I’m learning some photograph tricks and it’s such a shame to tell you all that I only discovered that macro thingy just a while ago. I’ll use it on my upcoming posts for a better quality of pictures, please stay tune! ♥
You have some great jewelry storage solutions. I got great ideas I can use for my coat closet. Thanks for sharing. Great post!