There was a hair and make up contest in our school last friday. Since styling other people is my hobby, I joined. I already know how much fun it will bring especially when you’re model is your dearest friend who named Angelica Bautista.

This is my first time to join such contest and I’M REALLY NERVOUS. My hands and knees keep shaking! Plus the fact that there are lots of students that are really good when it comes to make up than me, I admit. 

Me styling my model’s hair (Yeah I know, such a lame caption)
When I’m styling her hair, I really had a hard time because her hair is so silky and smooth. No matter how many hairspray I already put on her hair, it keeps on falling. I was about to cry (seriously) as others are already done to their model’s hair and I’m still doing her hair all over again and again. Ahhh.

In fact, I already tried the look that I will do to Angelica a few days back before the event, but only to myself. We’re both busy so we don’t have time to be together and for me to practice on her face. That’s why I’m not quite sure if it will suits her. Still, I’m happy because it looks good in her. But I have this regrets "Why did I forgot to capture her make up with her eyes closed?" because it is really fantastic that even me, still can’t believe that I can do such make up like that. My schoolmates keep telling me "How did you do that?" and "Wow! You’re really good in blending". Okay, I’m not bragging! HAHA :P
I think the challenging part of the event is that they held it inside a room that is really hot so she keeps sweating that makes the make up uneven and to smudge sometimes. But you know what? I’m quite proud on what I did to her hair. =)) What do you think?? 

Sorry for my very haggard face (-____-).The facilitators forgot to tell us that they will take some photos of the contestants with their model. Hahaha. So I pay no mind to my appearance that time and made my model be my priority instead.

I assure you that it is better if you saw this personally. My camera is quite old and I think I need to replace it? =D I don’t care if I’m gonna lose, what matters most is that I was able to show my talent to everyone. ♥
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