Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I posted an outfit post here in my blog. This is what I wore during our acoustic band's performance last week. An inspired outfit by Aria Clemente.
The summer heat in the Philippines is VERY UNBEARABLE, so I decided to wear a skater skirt and a crop top that I am comfortable to wear.

Don't dare to ask me if I am tall or short because it is pretty obvious. Good thing, heels are invented. lol

For everyone's information, eventhough I have nowhere to go, I love dressing up especially when I am bored. That means, the more boredom, the more outfit post will be uploaded. Sorry about the low quality. The battery is nearly empty so I was in a rush to take all of these shots.
As you can see, photos in my blog are now bigger than usual. I've been trying to solve this matter for days and I only discovered the answer just a while ago. Also, thank you Viana for your advice on how to fix it. ( http://vianarifique.tumblr.com )
How's your vacation everyone?? Mine sounds boring because all I can do is read blogs, write blogs, read blogs, write blogs. Hahahaha. But I really do have fun because I love what I'm doing.
Actually, I already finished this post but my cousin asked me to curl her hair so I left the computer without saving it. Then my brother accidentally exit the browser and I need to type it, all over AGAIN!! Anyway, I hope you're having a nice vacation. Take care and God bless everyone!

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